Why do some transactions not show in my budget?

Your budget will only display transactions from your transactional accounts, like cheque accounts and credit cards. Loans and investments are examples of some account types that won't appear in your budget.

If you aren't able to find a transaction from one of your transactional accounts in your budget, it may be marked as a Transfer. This spending group is reserved for transactions that involve money moving between your accounts, so when you categorise a transaction into the Transfer spending group, it won't count towards your income or expenses anymore. We'll move it into a separate section right at the bottom of the Budget screen. Just click on the "You have x transfers" link to view a list of all of your transfers in your current budget month.

Why does my budget only display transactions from my transactional accounts?

The Budget screen is reserved for transactions related to your day-to-day interaction with money over the course of the month. It’s a place to give a home to the money you have immediate/direct access to and plan to use over the short term. Typically, you earn this money via a salary or other regular sources of income, and it's quickly spent on things you need to survive (food, housing, transport), items of luxury (entertainment, hobbies) and some of it is saved for future use (emergency funds, retirement savings, investments).

This movement of money typically takes place in your bank account, which is a “transactional” account - i.e. you “transact” on it. If you buy something, it's deducted from your bank/cheque account.

Since you link other accounts to 22seven that aren't transactional (you don’t have a way to buy something from your investment account, for example) and they have their own transactions, these need to be filtered out of your Budget screen. This is because those transactions aren't part of your day-to-day interaction with your money. You generally have access to this money over the longer term and in some cases these funds aren't even guaranteed. Yes, you may earn interest on this money, but it’s still in your investment account where you can't use it unless you withdraw it into your bank/cheque account. At the point where these funds enter your bank account, they become relevant to your budget in 22seven.

Similarly, if you top up or open an investment, the money flowing out of your bank account into that investment (let’s say -R1,000) is seen as a savings expense and should be part of your budget. Now this is where you need to focus: if you’ve linked that investment to 22seven, that account will have an incoming transaction of +R1,000. If that transaction was to appear in your budget, it will look like you’ve earned an income R1,000. But this isn't the case and those funds shouldn't be part of your budget. Only once you withdraw from that investment in the future, should it be considered as income.

Other examples or scenarios of transactions that could appear on non-transactional accounts include fees on investment accounts, interest charged on a home loan account, the incoming repayment of a vehicle etc. These transactions can be seen on the relevant account’s details screen in 22seven or on the Transactions screen if the “Current budget” filter has been removed. They won't appear on your Budget screen or on the Transactions screen when the “Current budget” filter is applied. These transactions will also be ignored in your Money Report.

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