How to rename a transaction.

Have you ever looked at your statement and stumbled upon a transaction description that left you with more questions than anything else? We know that feeling. That’s why you can rename your transactions and know exactly where your money is going.
Here’s how you can rename your transactions on the Web, Android and iOS:
  1. Log into 22seven.
  2. Select the Transactions tab in the left-hand navigation bar, then click on the transaction you’d like to rename.
  3. In the Transaction detail screen, click on “Rename”. The Description field is now editable. Enter your preferred name for the transaction, then press "SAVE" to complete.
  1. Open the 22seven app.
  2. Tap on the menu button at the top left of the screen and select Transactions.
  3. You'll now see a list of your transactions. Select the transaction you’d like to rename.
  4. In the Transaction detail screen, tap on the description. The Description field is now editable.
  5. Enter your preferred name for the transaction, then tap on the “DONE” button (top right corner) to complete.
  1. Open the 22seven app.
  2. Tap on the Transactions button in the menu bar at the bottom of the screen.
  3. You'll now see a list of your transactions.  Select the transaction you’d like to rename.
  4. In the Transaction detail screen, tap on the description. The Description field is now editable. Back space then enter your preferred name for the transaction, then tap on the “Back” button (top left corner) to complete.
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