How to export your Budget.

Here's how to export your Budget from 22seven in 3 easy steps:

  1. Log into 22seven's Web App (this feature isn't available on Android or iOS).
  2. Visit the BUDGET tab in the left-hand navigation bar.
  3. Click on the EXPORT button at the top right-hand side of the screen.

This will download a .csv file, which you can open in Excel or another spreadsheet application, and lists the following information:

  • Your budget start and end date.
  • Each of your categories and the Spending Groups they are tied to.
  • The amount you've spent for each category so far, along with your average spend and budgeted spend for those categories.


   P.S. We've made the Budget page printer friendly. If you'd like to print your Budget to read over later, simply use your browser's built-in print function.

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