When I select a certain icon on my phone — lets say the piggy bank icon — it works fine on my android but when I check the change on the website using my desktop it shows the Gifts icon instead. It is a consistent error as though the website was taught to read "Gift" when the app sends a "Piggy bank" instruction. I don't know if that's how it works but it's my best attempt in trying to explain the issue.
Inconsistent Icons
Thanks for reporting this! Are you able to let me know if this issue is only affecting that specific icon, or have you perhaps noticed the same problem when selecting other icons?
more than one but only a few of them have the problem.
Off the top of my head, if I remember correctly:
-The dollars icon on the app becomes the gift icon on the site and vice versa
-The bank icon becomes the wallet icon but not vice versa
I think there was on more but I can't remember which one exactly.
Thanks! Sorry about that. I've let our devs know about the problem :)
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