Manual Updates to Automatic Accounts

It would be nice to have the option to just manually update values for accounts.

I often find that some of my accounts don't want to update for whatever reason (10x quite often due to the OTP window never popping up) and then it would be nice to just enter the values manually instead of waiting for the next time it works again.



  • Hi Shaun,

    Thanks for reaching out. 

    Unfortunately, due to how we update accounts, it's not possible to mix automatic account updates with manual updates. You could always create a manual account and update those accounts when you want to. Alternatively, please feel free to pop an email to for us to investigate any issues on your linked accounts, or tap on the 'Ask us to investigate' button for our team to take a closer look into any accounts that may be failing.

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  • Similar to this, I think being able to add historic transactions using the bank statements would be a useful addition. So if the account is wrong or there is historic data you also want to include then you can import the bank statement for that same account. To pull the transactions you already have the description, value and time on both and by merging on those criteria you can then avoid duplicating the transactions but still alow more manual updates? Possibly marking transactions only added manually as unconfirmed or in a different colour?

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