Changed my pin for absa internet banking

HI there

I had to change my internet banking pin.  How do I do this on 22 Seven to receive updates on my accounts?

Thanks \




  • Hi Anita,

    Thanks so much for getting in touch. To update your credentials in 22seven, navigate to your Accounts page, click on the ABSA account, then select 'Change login details'. You can then re-enter your ABSA login details.

    If you need any further help at all please don't hesitate in contacting us.

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  • Mine is Blockwd

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  • Hi Cecilia,

    If you ABSA Online profile is blocked, you will need to contact ABSA directly. We can only link and update ABSA Online profiles that are active and have correct login details entered in 22seven.

    Once you can access your profile at, you can then link it to 22seven. If you run into any issues, feel free to let us know.

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  • Hi.

    I have also changed my bank login password and followed the steps above but it is saying that I can't edit or delete account while it is updating.

    The issue is that it is updating continuously as it can't log in.

    How can I get it to stop updating so I can change the login details.

    Thank you.


    JP Otto 

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  • Hi JP,


    When you have a moment, can you please send us permission to investigate the issue to, and we'll be happy to investigate.



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