Accounts not updating

I have tried a number of times on the app and the website but my accounts never complete the update. This has been happening since about 2 months ago. All the accounts are FNB accounts. Please advise.



  • Hi Greg,

    Thanks for getting in touch and reporting this! I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble with your accounts.
    I've taken a look and it seems there may be a message for you to attend to on the FNB website. When you have a moment, would you mind logging into your online banking profile to check whether there are any requests for you to accept new terms and conditions, or update your contact details? If you have a view only profile, you need to also log in with those credentials as well. Please let me know either way so I can help you troubleshoot further :)

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  • Cannot update my accounts. Message refers there is a problem updating Nedbank accounts. Please assist

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