FNB Credit Card Transaction History


First off, great platform!

I have several FNB accounts linked as well as a Vmoney. All my accounts import the transaction history from beginning July or before just fine (great! as I have a good historical picture for at least one full month), except for my FNB Credit Card account which only shows transactions from the 29th of July (tried filtering to before that date but no transactions before that date show up).

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.



  • My transaction history for FNB also doesn't go more than 30 days in the past? @22seven is there a setting to include all the history on the FNB internet banking profile?

    I am using a secondary user!

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  • Hi, I agree, I think that my FNB account is only providing the last 150 transactions - in my case, just over 1 month's worth of transactions. I think that this is part of FNB's online banking setup, as it appears I can only view the last 150 transactions easily (in the browser) before having to download other files for earlier history.

    It is frustrating having so little to work with when one starts out on 22seven, as a large portion of the features use averages of previous months, which are heavily skewed with so little data.

    Is there a way to pull more of this data? I understand if it's a limitation on FNB's side that there's not too much that 22seven can do about it. However, could there be a facility to import transactions? Then I could export earlier history off my internet banking, and import it into 22seven, possibly via a CSV file?

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