My revolving loan and personal loan shows up as "home loan"
How can I edit these names to reflect what they really are? When I try edit the account it asks me for a user/pass for my bank but doesn't allow me to do anything else.
One thing I also don't like is, if you enter the password incorrectly, your site tries to login multiple times, locking the account, instead of just error'ing out the first time and letting you change the login details before accidently locking it
Hi Pieter
Thanks for getting in touch. I will be in touch via e-mail shortly.
No email as of yet
Hi Pieter
I e-mailed you to the e-mail address we have on our system. Please check that its not landed in your spam box.
I would also like the ability rename account names - I have 16 accounts that all show up with their account numbers and I can never remember which is which.
Nope, no mail in my spam folder either, I'll email you directly since I get notifications from this, so email from you should come through as well
Hi Pieter
Please forward me your email address to
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