Periodic budget, I.e. quarterly, annually
What is the possibility of creating a periodic budget for payments that only happen periodically such as quarterly for school extra-curricular fees or annual for license fees (car, TV, driver's, professional registrations)?


  • We're constantly working on improvements and additional features, so I'll be happy to pass your suggestion on to the Product Design team so that we can add your voice:). 

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  • Hi, you guys tried this, but the implementation was not great. Could you reach out to me for more info about the idea of you want to revisit?

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  • Hi Clive,

    We aren't planning to make any tweaks to this functionality as things currently stand, but we'll keep you in mind if we decide to revisit this in future. Thanks for the offer!

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  • Please consider adding this.  Quarterly and Annual expenses are a big part of budgets for people with children, and I am not sure this app will work for us without it.

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